Saturday, April 5, 2014

Still Much to Do

Penso che e una bella idea di parlare soltanto in italiano per la settimana di trasferimenti affinché solo kaitlin può capire e voi siete troppo bisognosi. #lecosesegretedellesorelle (hash tags in italian are almost impossible to decode) 

ALLORA sono in Muggiò ancora. che sorpresa! ho ancora tanto da fare? 

(Editor :  I believe it says: "I think it's a good idea to only talk in Italian for transfer week so that only Kaitlin understands, because you are too needy.  I am still in Muggio.  What a surprise!  I still have much to do.")

This week we had the baptism di Kiara! 

It was so cute because her whole family came, even her non-member dad & we were so happy.

It was a stressful day because there was another baptism from Merate (they don't have a font so they have to come to use our chapel) at 2:00 which is good because then we didn't have to fill the font up all the way (it takes sooooo long). But it would have been so cold for little Kiara so we emptied it out halfway then filled it back up with hot water & basically we spent the entire day in the church. 

The anziani are a strange breed of problem solvers.. 

get ready
Next Saturday is Carmen's baptism! which I'm so excited for.. We went over to her house yesterday and she had me put in new film into her camera so that she could take so many pictures.. She is just so sweet. 

A lady from our ward bought her an abbonamento (I don't know the word in English) for the Liahona and she reads everything we give her and it's refreshing.. she's in Alma right now for the 2nd time! Let's talk about it... 

proper pranzo
Then on Sunday we were about to go home for lunch when our Relief Society president (Sorella Sorgacomo, whose son was serving with Kaitlin) asked us, "siete invitati da qualcuno per pranzo?" ("Has anyone invited you to lunch?) & then she invited us over for lunch and it was sooooo nice! She lives in this gated community and has a backyard! 

So she was cooking lunch she told us to go prendere un po di sole (take in a bit of sun) because we are so ghostly white and she cooked a solid Italian lunch with 3 courses. 

We got to talk with her cute 18-year-old daughter who is so cool & she showed us all these pictures from her 18th birthday party on her macbook pro. Then she was stroking her mom's face after lunch and sitting on her lap and Sorella Sorgy hateedd it and it made me miss Mom. 

get excited
Then Sorella Sorgy was like "Okay, go do your homework and meet me back here at 5 and we'll have a tea together." (because they have programmed snacks here & I love it) and then I decided I was gonna make it a rule when I come home... 5:00 tea time. It's happening. get excited.

ALSO she told me Kait was getting transferred and I'm soooo excited for you! #forzasicilia 

thanksgiving anytime
That reminds me, we had a meeting with a man in our ward who was an assistant in the Rome mission and he was gonna give us all these new ideas for finding people. But mainly he just asked us if we could have a Thanksgiving party and buy turkey and make it for him\the ward. 

I don't think he understands that we only do Thanksgiving in November. It's fine though, hahah. 

country all the time
Also we're teaching another 10-year-old and her dad is obbsseessseddddd with country music--like loovvees country music--and we went to his house and he told us that he's going to see Garth Brooks in Dublin and he cried when he bought the tickets.  

Then made us listen to "River" by Garth Brooks and convinced us it's mission approved (we literally could not say no) and sang along to the whole thing and cried again... it was gnarly. 

This is my life.

xoxo Sorella O'Connor

(Email Sent - April 2, 2014)

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