Saturday, April 5, 2014


I think I'm better, hahah.

This week was nuts. 

I'm going to tell you a story that will freak you out, but don't be..
(In the missionary world, that's called a "preset.")

hit in the head
So I hit my head.. hahahah like, pretty hard & when I woke up the next day I couldn't see that good and one of my arms wasn't working really and my whole left side of my body kind of was in a lot of shooting pain. 

So I called the mission nurse & she told me to go to pronto soccorso (emergency room) but I decided it was better that I just slept all day because that's how much time it would be to go to pronto soccorso on a Saturday morning.  #YOLO 

sleep it off
So then I slept until like lunch time & it wasn't really better so I went back to sleep until like after language study time... and it wasn't all that better so I called Sorella Dibb so that I could tell her I had a concussion, but not to worry because I'm not going to go to the pronto soccorso. (Seriously, they don't do ANYTHING for you there & you just waste soo much time). 

So she said okay & that I didn't have to go but she was going to have a doctor call me and just talk to me about what to do... so she called the doctor & because everyone is sooooooo dramatic they MADE ME go to pronto soccorso... but we had an appointment.... 

So I convinced Sorella G that we could still go to our appointment then we could go to pronto soccorso AFTER. & because I've been companions with a law student she said okay... 

emergency room
So I went there and I checked in (and Italian hospitals are way different).  They give you a quick check up then assign you a color to decide how pronto soccorso you are.  (That's mainly because everyone here goes to the emergency room for no reason).  They gave me yellow, whatever that means.

I sat there for two hours next to a man who cut his finger and there was a lot of blood & I hated it. Then I told them I hit my head and they started freaking out and made me do a t.a.c. (whatever that means in English--I don't know). 

I had to wear something weird and lay down on this thing and go through a circle & they looked at my brain then they did some weird thing where they took an x-ray I think of my back/neck.  I was kind of happy because my back has been giving me problems..

But after waiting forever, they said my brain was okay.  They found out I have a sinusite in my sinus.. which means nothing.. and then they gave me a neck brace and told me to wear it for three days.  I looked chubby and awful.  Because sorella Amorosu took me home I really did have to wear it to church & district meeting... 

but I'm ok. bottom line... everyone is just super dramatic. & I hate my neck brace 


I LOVE BABY HOLLAND!  She's so beautiful.  I really just want to speak Italian to her in a high pitch voice & pinch her cheeks.  I'm glad she's doing so well.  Seriously, she looks so good. 

On the upside, I'm not as grumpy, hahaha.  I'm less tired because I got to sleep for like an entire day & Sorella Dibb told me to take naps instead of language study this week (meno male) and that I don't have to do exercise.  

Sorella G and I have compromised where I don't get up before 6:30 anymore and I just sit on the sidewalk in my big coat and three scarfs in my nightgown while she runs up and down the street t>=) it's da bomb. 

Carmen is doing SO GOOD! She's getting baptized the hour before Saturday morning session of conference & she's so awesome. 

I called her on Sunday morning to see if she needed a ride to church and her husband, Pasquale, answered and said,"Sta arrivando" which could be taken a couple of ways but I took it as she was already on her way to church--which means she found a ride.  

When I got there and went to talk to Carmen, she told me that she left the house at 7:00 that morning and WALKED to church.  That would be like walking to the Redlands Building (at home in CA)... She doesn't even live in Muggiò. 

So I was kind of mad because she is like 55 years old and has a limp in her legs because she was in a car crash a long time ago & there are people who can give her rides.  But then I was also so happy that she would do that.

She said she had prayed for it not to rain on her & right when she walked into the chapel it started raining... she didn't even get wet.  She's awesome & so, so ready.  

Also because I broke my brain, I ate my entire stash of peanut butter to glue it back together... #imoutofpeanutbutter

We're getting GAS installed in our apartment today (no more crappy hot pad), so I have to go.  But I love you all long time. 

Have fun in Los Altos.  Give Mitch a kiss for me<3

Oh remind me to tell you about the funeral we had to go to this week... so weird. hahah 

p.s.  It is Sorella G's week to be senior, so I have to give up control.  We have two baptisms to plan.  What's up with that?

p.s. will ship american goodies in bulk and Italians loovveeee it. 

xx Bey

(Email Sent - March 26, 2014)

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