Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Whadup? Staying!

So I'M STAYING!!!!!!!!! big upset for transfer predictions (not for me) no one saw transfers coming.. 

Slla Gillespie got transferred to Bergamo..

Anz Lovett got transferred to PORDENONE! 

Anz. Tanner and Anz. Lovett

(He is so lucky.  & he'll have a car... it's like, it doesn't get better than that. )

They both got here after Anziano Tanner, Anziano Cameron, and me .. so all of us are staying for a fourth transfer!

hard workers
I'll be getting Sorella Killpack who is only one transfer under me, so I'm stoked because we can work really hard & I don't have to do everything & I won't have to teach all the lessons myself. yaaayyy

Also Sorella Astel got transferred to GENOVA.  So happy for her. 

That's really all the news I have this week. 

happy transfer
Because I'm staying, that means I get to go to Ronald and Mariuxi's WEDDING! & then their baptism the week after.  It will be such a happy transfer. 

I'm really really happy because I thought I was leaving but I just love it here.. & I get to teach Slla Killpack all the hidden gems of the Muggiò area.  

She's probably sad about it, but I'll change her mind. 

talk or be transferred
But this is also sad because that means I have to give a talk on Sunday.. They asked me a couple weeks ago & I was like, 

"Suuurreeee but I might be transferred.. so if I'm not here Slla Gillespie will have to do it.." (she didn't want to)  but now I have to.... 

death sentence
Everyone is still realllly sick!  Poor Anziano Chipman had to have the doctor come to their apartment and he's out for 5 DAYS!  

That's like a death sentence for missionaries.. and Anziano Quinton has a fever of 40.. I don't know what that translates to but I think it's 100...  (104 degrees F)  so they're inside too... 

get on my level
I'm sick but I'm not on that level... so that's good. 

I don't know what else to say.   I just talked to everyone like yesterday.. 

Skype call with the sisters and family on Mother's Day

I'm just happy im here in Muggiò still. 

I'll be here until JULY... then I'll probably go somewhere new.. 

Love you long time, Paige

(Email Sent - May 14, 2014)

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