Friday, July 11, 2014

Hello Torino

Torino is great.  My companion is the living best.  She's a 25 year old graphic designer who knows everything about all the things I like. Courtney Lawrence.  She's helping me with all my after mission life catch-ups.

We work so well together and we're happy.  Our list of pday activities are never ending.  We want to do it all in the next 6 weeks because there is no way President will let us have this much fun in 12...  

She's going to help me out with my going home outfit #yolo.

One of the best things about Torino is our apartment.  It's huge.  I HAVE MY OWN BATHROOM.  There's a laundry room (still no dryers, but drying racks), and my own closet room.  But we still share a bedroom (white handbook rules), two balconies, a kitchen, and study room that is basically a ballroom.  It's niccceeeee! 

Because the Olympics were in Torino, all the public transportation is pretty nice... I still hate the bus, but whatever.  And we have a meal appt. for the Fourth of July. #godblessamerica

So we were in a lesson yesterday and the member we brought took out her iPhone..... and she can unlock her phone... get this... WITH HER FINGERPRINT. mind blown...#flippingtables

Also I spent so much money at this store called TIGER.  I think it's Swedish... it's the best... Everything I bring back is going to be from there. Europe things are the best. 

Although it was super sad to leave Muggiò... I'm doing well here.  I think I'll make it. 

Love you all long time, 

Sorella Paige O'Connor.

(Email Sent - July 2, 2014)

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