Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Things They Don't Tell You ...

about training:

You will be so tired all the time.

You will have to do all the work by yourself and set a perfect example and never mess up.

You will have to do almost all the cooking.

You will have to force your trainee to do roll plays.  Everyone hates roll plays, but you just have to do it.

You will step in dog poop because you're looking at the map and talking on the phone at the same time.. twice. 

You have to explain why you do everything the way you do it.

You will have to sort the trash.

"greenie munchies" are real.

You spend all day in a giant pep talk and over-praise your trainee.

You will have to give her your sleeping coat )=

Sarcasm leads to tears. 

& you will hate to way you look all the time. 

But somehowwwwwww you're still happy. 

This week has l i t e r a l l y been the longest week of my life. 

it's a real thing
Last pday we made fresh pasta with Sorella Colombi.  You know that scene in Letters to Juliet when Amanda Seyfred's boyfriend is working back in his restaurant in NY and she walks in and there is all the pasta hanging from walls and racks and things?

 and you think to yourself, "Well that's dramatic.. No one would actually go through all that effort to hang individual pieces of pasta."  

It's a reaaaalllll thing.  They do that here, hahah. 

never happens
This Sunday I was feeling sad because we finished 1st hour in Relief Society and Carmen wasn't there yet, so I thought she wasn't coming.  

But then SHE CAME!  with a friend!  

Her friend comes every once in a while.  She works in Switzerland and this week she said that she's been thinking she wants to get baptized because she found the church in Switzerland & she likes how it's all the same everywhere... even though it was in French and she couldn't understand anything. 

hahah, whatevs I'm happy.  We ended up having SEVEN investigators in church on Sunday.  That's neevveerrrr happened to me before. 

trying to be like Jesus
We went to Milano twice to get Sorella G her abbonamento (I don't know if there is a word in English) because the first time they said they were "too ttiirreeeddd" (classic Italians).  

Every time we go to Milano we end up helping lost models find their way around.  It always makes me feel ugly, but I'm just trying to be like Jesus. &  I took Sorella G to Luinis.. it's her new favorite food.

Then we went again YESTERDAY because we had new missionary training which is just 6 straight hours of teaching the greens how to be practical.. It's torture for the trainers, but I muscled through it.
the missionaries of Muggio

They fed us lunch, so I was happy I didn't have to cook. 

christmas in march
I'M GLAD YOU GOT YOUR PACKAGE!  I put an envelope in it for Marielle... it was an Italian Vogue..

(Paige also included an art book "Edited By: Sorella O'Connor"

She used sticky notes for commentary

 and to sensor any immodesty.)

I was thinking about it this week.  I knew Scott wouldn't get overly excited about the ties, but I didn't care because they'll make him look good & they say handmade in Italia.. 

I GOT YOUR POSTCARDS from Harry Potter World.. The Italians were dying when I told them such a place really exists... 

Also Anziano Tanner gave them Hot Tamales his parents sent him through  &&& theyyy HATE THEM! hahahah.  But they were all making each other try it.  It was so funnnny. 

Okay I love you! 

Hope you had a good week hanging out with all my friennddsssss, 

Sorella O'Connor

(Email Sent - March 5, 2014)

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